ISSN 2665-0304 |
Mission Disseminate advance articles and/or reports on research results, tests, technological products and prototypes, internship work and bibliographic reviews in the field of Basic Sciences, Engineering and Architecture with the purpose of contributing and providing contributions in:
Vision To be a medium that promotes spaces for socialization and research participation of a pluri-inter and transdisciplinary nature that promotes the search and construction of knowledge, the dissemination of works, essays, research, experiences and literary creations in favor of the consolidation of the knowledge and research, serving as a bridge of encouragement and support for the permanent and professional training of collaborators. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
EDITORIAL STANDARDS General Information: 1.- Articles must be original and unpublished; in addition to not being simultaneously submitted to other journals. They will be submitted to arbitration for selection and publication through the double-blind peer review system; where the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors of the articles, and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers. All reviewers and referees are external to the Journal and the Foundation. Articles in languages other than Spanish and English will be accepted. 2.- Articles submitted to the Journal should have a maximum of four authors, including the main author. Exceptions to this rule will be submitted to the consideration of the editorial committee, based on the criteria of originality, relevance, contribution, and extension of the research process developed in the article. 3.- The Journal is published biannually; publishing in the periods of: January - June and July - December. Ingenium et Potentia will publish in the first month (first day) of the biannual period (January and July). 1.- January - June (First day of January). 2.- July - December (First day of July). With the approval of the editorial committee; ordinary issues may be published before the start of the declared period. Approved articles will be published in the next available issue. 4.- The journal may publish special issues (special editions), by agreement with groups, networks, institutions, and organizations that carry out research events such as congresses, forums, conferences, among others, for which it is essential to submit articles adjusted to these editorial standards. Types of articles 5.- Articles will be classified as: Research Articles: These are the result of theoretical, experimental, or field scientific research and represent an original contribution to knowledge. They should be presented as follows: Title and Authors, Abstract, Summary or Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, Funding Source, Acknowledgments, and References. The maximum length is 150 words for the abstract, 5000 words for the content, and no less than 10 references. Scientific Notes/Brief Communications: Original works whose results - although partial - can be disseminated. This category also includes the description of new species and cultivars, pests, diseases, and methodological adjustments. They will have the following structure: Title. Author/s. Abstract - Spanish / Abstract - English. Introduction. Materials and Methods. Results and Discussion. Funding Source, Acknowledgment. References. The maximum length is 150 words for the abstract, 2500 words for the content, and no less than 10 references. Review Articles: They compile the most relevant information on a specific topic in order to examine the published bibliography and place it in a certain perspective. Their structure should include: Title. Author/s. Abstract - Spanish / Abstract - English. Introduction. Conclusion. Acknowledgments. References. The maximum length is 150 words for the abstract, 4000 words for the content, and no less than 25 references. Aesthetic configuration of the manuscript 6.- Adhere to grammatical and spelling rules, write in the third person and past tense. Works that do not comply with the indicated format will not be approved for review by the referees. 7.- Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal in letter-size word format, with intermediate spacing (1.5) between lines, Arial font, 12 points. Margins should be 2.5 cm on each side of the page. 8.- Articles should be written without indentation and without spaces between paragraphs, only to separate titles and subtitles up to a maximum of 5 levels. The use of bullet points will be reduced to the minimum necessary. Title and authors 9.- The title should not exceed 15 words. It should describe the content of the article clearly and concisely, avoiding the use of ambiguous words, abbreviations, and question and exclamation marks. 10.- An author is considered to be anyone who has contributed significantly to the design and execution of the study, as well as to the analysis of the results, the preparation of the manuscript, and its review and approval. 11.- For each of the authors, after the title, the following must be provided: full names and surnames, basic profession or professional title, postgraduate degrees, institutional affiliation, email, and ORCID (If you do not have one, register at: This information is essential. The first author is assumed to be responsible for receiving and sending correspondence. 12.- The sections of the articles must meet the following aspects: Abstract and keywords Since the abstract is the most widely read part of an article when it is entered into bibliographic information systems, it must meet the following requirements:
Introduction. Indicate the background, purposes, and/or objectives of the study, summarize the logical reasoning of the study, include only relevant references, and do not include results or conclusions. Materials and Methods. Describe the design and type of study, the selection of the population and sample, including the characteristics of the subjects, when required. Indicate the methods, apparatus, and procedures used to obtain and analyze the information. Results. Present the results in logical order, text, tables, and illustrations. Do not repeat data in the text that is found in tables or figures. Discussion. Emphasize new aspects and conclusions. Do not repeat aspects included in previous sections. Examine the implications of the findings, their limitations, and their projections in future research. Relate the conclusions to the objectives of the study, avoiding statements and conclusions not related to the results. Conclusions and recommendations should be part of the discussion. Conclusion. Summarize the main findings and their contributions to the world of science, as well as answer the research questions, along with whether the research can be replicated in other similar environments, and detail the main weaknesses or points not addressed in the work. Funding and Acknowledgment: Before the references, indicate if the research was funded and the respective acknowledgment. Citations and References 13.- APA, sixth edition, will be used for citing bibliographic sources referenced in the body of the article, considering when they are less than or greater than 40 words, as well as the number of authors, type of referenced document. (Consult: APA Standards. Javeriano Writing Center 14. The consulted references will be placed at the end of the articles in alphabetical order. The title in English should be included in brackets next to the title of the reference in Spanish. Example: Briceño de Osorio, A. (2019). Aprendizaje de lenguas para la diversidad cultural. [Language learning for cultural diversity]. EPISTEME KOINONIA, 2(4), 53-71.
15.- Tables and formulas (equations) must be numbered sequentially in the same order they appear in the text, with Arabic numerals and referenced as: table 1, table 2..., formula 1, formula 2.... etc., as appropriate. These should be inserted into the text in the same order they are referenced. For tables, the title should be placed at the top and should not duplicate the results presented in graphs. The unit system to be used will be the International System (SI). Figures may include graphs, diagrams, charts, and photographs. Figures must be submitted in a condition ready for publication, with laser print quality. If they are photographs, they must be of high quality. They should be numbered sequentially, in the same order they are referenced in the text as: figure 1, figure 2, etc., and their title should be placed at the bottom. They should be included in the text as cited and also sent as files, in the original software format in which they were created. Selection for publication 16.- The receipt of a manuscript does not obligate its publication. Received manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and will be subjected to review by external peers, usually experts in the respective topic. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept, reject, request modifications, and make the necessary corrections to adjust the manuscript to the journal's style. 17.- The review of manuscripts will be done respecting the authors' right to confidentiality regarding information, results, and creative effort. Likewise, the right to confidentiality of reviewers and editors will be respected. 18.- The Journal admits comments and opinions that dissent from the published material, accepts the authors' reasoned retractions, and will promptly correct typographical or other errors that may have been made when publishing an article. Editorial process 19.- Manuscripts for publication are received only through the OJS platform. Steps for submitting manuscripts electronically.
The cover letter (originality - relevance - commitment) must contain the following aspects: 20.- Once the article is uploaded to the Journal's OJS, it will be sent to the Editorial Committee, which will issue its decision within a period of no more than 7 continuous days to start the arbitration process in the journal. Articles not approved by the Editorial Committee cannot be resubmitted for arbitration. 21.- All articles will be subjected to anti-plagiarism programs (iThenticate) as a quality and ethics policy for publications. 22.- If the Editorial Committee's decision is favorable, the collaborator or collaborators will be notified that the article proceeds to the arbitration process. 23.- Articles will be evaluated based on 4 core criteria: a.- Originality / Innovation of the research. b.- Utility / Social and Technical Relevance. c.- Clarity of the text. d.- Scientific rigor from the assumed research paradigm or approach / Argumentation / Conclusions or final considerations. 24.- Articles are arbitrated and classified into the following categories: Approved, Approved with modifications, and Not Approved. 25.- For the arbitration of articles, double-blind peer review will be conducted; where the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors of the articles, and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers. 26.- The work of the reviewers is strictly confidential. The journal is not responsible for the performance of the reviewers, who are completely autonomous. 27.- Articles will be subjected to external reviewers to the journal and the Foundation. Based on the observations and recommendations made by the reviewers, the author or authors may be asked to make modifications to improve the quality of the work. 28.- In the arbitration process, the reviewers and the authors will remain mutually unaware to ensure the integrity of the process. In case of discrepancies between the reviewers, the final decision will be made by the Editorial Committee or the Director - Editor, and it will be communicated to the interested parties within a maximum period of 30 working days after receiving the evaluation. 29.- The writings published in Ingenium et Potentia are the exclusive responsibility of the authors, both for their opinions, statements, and methods. 30.- The reviewers will have a period of 30 continuous days from the receipt of the article to submit the evaluation report to the Director and/or Editor. The Director and/or Editor will send this report to the author within a maximum period of 5 continuous days. The final decision on the evaluation process, publication or not of the articles rests exclusively with the Director - Editor and the Editorial Committee, and will be made based on the suggestions/observations/recommendations issued by the reviewers. The projected period between the receipt of the article and its publication is 8 weeks. 31.- Conflicts of interest arising from the verdict of an article will be resolved by the Editorial Ethics Committee of the journal, which is supported by the provisions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) As well as those established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME). These recommendations are available at: 24.- Articles are arbitrated and classified into the following categories: Approved, Approved with modifications, and Not Approved. 25.- For the arbitration of articles, double-blind peer review will be conducted; where the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors of the articles, and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers. 26.- The work of the reviewers is strictly confidential. The journal is not responsible for the performance of the reviewers, who are completely autonomous. 27.- Articles will be subjected to external reviewers to the journal and the Foundation. Based on the observations and recommendations made by the reviewers, the author or authors may be asked to make modifications to improve the quality of the work. 28.- In the arbitration process, the reviewers and the authors will remain mutually unaware to ensure the integrity of the process. In case of discrepancies between the reviewers, the final decision will be made by the Editorial Committee or the Director - Editor, and it will be communicated to the interested parties within a maximum period of 30 working days after receiving the evaluation. 29.- The writings published in Ingenium et Potentia are the exclusive responsibility of the authors, both for their opinions, statements, and methods. 30.- The reviewers will have a period of 30 continuous days from the receipt of the article to submit the evaluation report to the Director and/or Editor. The Director and/or Editor will send this report to the author within a maximum period of 5 continuous days. The final decision on the evaluation process, publication or not of the articles rests exclusively with the Director - Editor and the Editorial Committee, and will be made based on the suggestions/observations/recommendations issued by the reviewers. The projected period between the receipt of the article and its publication is 8 weeks. 31.- Conflicts of interest arising from the verdict of an article will be resolved by the Editorial Ethics Committee of the journal, which is supported by the provisions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) As well as those established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME). These recommendations are available at: 32.- If any breach of publication ethics is detected at the beginning, during the editorial process, or after publication, the Journal will take the necessary corrective measures based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) ( and the Council of Science Editors (CSE) (, which may include the rejection or retraction of the article, the prohibition of publishing future articles by all authors in the Journal, notification to other journals, as well as communication to the respective authorities (institution of origin, institution that funded the study, professional associations, and ethics committees). The most frequent forms of unethical principles in publication are: plagiarism, inadequate authorship, and redundant publication: 33.- Controversies that may arise regarding the published knowledge will be the responsibility of the author or authors of the article, who may be contacted via email, and judgment or discussion on the addressed topic may be issued, provided this is done in an academic and scientific climate, thus developing a feedback process that builds science and knowledge. 34.- With the approval of the editorial committee; ordinary issues may be published before the start of the declared period. Approved articles will be published in the next available issue. 35.- What is not covered in these editorial standards will be at the discretion of the Journal's Editorial Committee. |
Articles must be original and unpublished; in addition to not being simultaneously submitted to other journals. They will be submitted to arbitration for selection and publication through the double-blind peer review system; where the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors of the articles, and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers. All reviewers and referees are external to the Journal and the Foundation. Articles in languages other than Spanish and English will be accepted. |
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