On-line version ISSN 2790-8305
The scientific journal Revista Científica CMDLT (CMDLT Scientific Journal) is the official scientific publication of Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad. Our mission is to publish academic contents in health sciences so that students and professionals in this area can learn about proven and accepted topics, practices, and innovations and offer patients, and society in general, the best possible health care, according to globally-accepted standards. To this end, the journal strives to continuously publish, in open access format, original articles, reviews, clinical cases, and epidemiological data resulting from research in health sciences. Our editorial project includes articles on clinical sciences, surgical sciences, basic sciences, public health, applied health technology, teaching, and assistance activities. The CMDLT scientific journal is aimed at all health professionals including medical specialties such as dentistry, psychology, bioanalysis, and nursing, as well as at teachers and students at national and international levels. Our publication is carried out continuously with of 2 yearly issues.
Former Title:
Proyección Docente